Типы эссе в IELTS

Expressing opinions.Если в конце задания спрашивается, согласны Вы или нет, или в какой степени Вы согласны (Do you agree or disagree, to what extent do you agree?)
Advantages/Disadvantages. Данное сочинение должно быть более нейтральным, т.е. конкретно Ваше мнение здесь обычно не спрашивают. Вас попросят проанализировать достоинства и недостатки чего-нибудь.
Providing Solutions. В задании обозначена проблема, и Вас просят предложить решения для нее.
Discursive Essays. Рассмотреть проблему с разных точек зрения, например финансирование исследования космоса с точки зрения политики, экономики и населения страны.

In the past, shopping was a routine domestic task. Many people nowadays regard it as a hobby.
To what extent do you think this is a positive trend?

Going shopping used to be a chore, but recently it has become a leisure activity or a pleasant outgoing. To my mind, it is debatable whether this can be regarded as a wholly positive development.

For earlier generations, buying food or consumer products involved visiting several shops, each with the same limited range on offer. Consumers had less money and credit was not widely available. By contrast, shopping has become one of the most pleasurable leisure activities. It is even possible to do shopping on-line, with the Internet allowing shoppers to buy at their will without having to leave the comfort of their armchairs.

These days, with many parents working full-time, families have little time together. In my experience, it is normal to see families in the local shopping mall at weekends. Undoubtedly, one of the benefits of this is that they are together as a family. Nevertheless, this is not ideal, as shopping does not help to maintain intimate relations.

Another negative result of this change in attitudes is that many young people suffer from the serious medical condition of shopping addiction. One of my acquaintances is considered to be a manic shopper. She is seriously in debt, and the condition has led to depression and family break-up. In my opinion, young women are particularly hard at risk because of the aggressive marketing of many firms, which target the health, beauty and fashion products at that age group.

In conclusion, I would like to suggest that although shopping now is less tedious, this is not necessarily a positive trend. It may be good for the retailers, but not for consumers if it causes problems.