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"Going postal" ака "Опочтарение"!

Going Postal is a story of sweet romance and dark revenge set against an ongoing dispute between a traditional postal system and Discworld's equivalent of the internet.
When life as a travelling con artist catches up with swindler Moist Von Lipwig (Coyle), it looks as though he will face the death penalty. But awarded a last minute reprieve, Lipwig is given one more chance on the condition that he takes up the cursed role of postmaster, and transforms Ankh-Morpork's decrepit post office. Making an immediate enemy of bloodthirsty tyrant Reacher Gilt (Suchet), Lipwig's first instinct is to run… until he meets the spellbinding Adora Belle Dearheart (Foy) with whom he falls in love. But what they both are unaware of is the part Lipwig played in the downfall of the Dearheart family. Is their romance forever doomed?

Из всех существующих экранизаций Пратчетта видела лишь "The Color of Magic". Очень хочу посмотреть "Вещих сестричек". Многие спецэффекты ввиду небольшого бюджета были видны невооруженным глазом, но фильм удался на славу.)

Надо будет прочитать еще этот "Going Postal". Пока ничего из серии про Мойст ван Липвига не читала.(

ПС. Патриций и Ваймс - няшки!